Today’s post begins a 10-post list of events in our lives that we probably should have blogged about during the past two years. I’ve enjoyed taking a step back and remembering those moments. I hope you do too!
1. Getting Engaged - 10/9/2011
It was fall and the leaves were gorgeous. There was a hint in the breeze that signified winter was coming.
It was also in the middle of the school year and starting to get really chilly. I was NOT in a good mood and did NOT want to go to the lake that day. You see, Savva’s family goes to the lake every Sunday afternoon throughout the summer. I love that this time is set aside for family time, but once school starts back and the weather starts changing, I don’t love to go as much.
Savva wanted one more day to wakeboard before hanging it up for the winter. UGH.
Once we got to Watauga Lake, it really was a beautiful day to be outside. Chilly, yes, but I am always cold. The leaves and mountains reflected off the water so perfectly that I was surrounded by autumn colors and fresh air, all encapsulated by the mountains.
The first words out of his mouth were, “Will you marry me?”

It wasn’t until later when I realized that I never actually said, “Yes.” Oops!
As we brought Demetre back into the boat, I started realizing how many little details I missed throughout the day, but I’m so glad I did because the surprise was absolutely perfect!
I also had to share the case he put the ring in. He knew if I got suspicious I would look at his pockets for a ring box, so he made a much slimmer one - out of a Burt's Bees container!
Savva and Demetre decided that they were going to attach a tube to the back of the boat. The plan was for Demetre to ride on the tube and take pictures of Savva as he flipped over Demetre. As they were plotting this out, I realized that meant I would have to drive the boat. Double UGH. I would much rather lay on the front of the boat and watch.
I believe my exact response was, “This is the WORST IDEA EVER.”
They laughed and dismissed my warning. When we got out to the middle of the lake, they hooked up the tube just like they planned, but then something wasn’t right. Instead of giving Demetre the waterproof digital camera (that I would’ve been ok with except for the fact that I was still stuck driving the boat), Savva gave Demetre the NICE, PROFESSIONAL, EXPENSIVE CAMERA. You know, the ones you SHOULD NOT take anywhere near the water, ESPECIALLY on a tube behind a running boat with a wakeboarder flying over top of you?
This time, my exact response was, “You guys are so dumb! This is the worst idea ever. It’s not going to work and when Demetre falls in the water and ruins the camera it will be MY fault because I’m driving!”
Yes, there is photo evidence of this as well:
Again, the boys laughed and Demetre got on the tube - with the expensive camera. Savva said, “Don’t worry about it. Why don’t you go ahead and hook up the rope while I get ready?” So, as I turned around to hook up the rope to the wake tower, my famous last words were:
“This is ridiculous. I can’t believe I’m part of this.”
Secretly though, I was smiling, because this really was going to make for some cool pictures as long as I didn’t screw it up!
I love that Demetre captured this picture because it is exactly how I felt that moment!
I love that Demetre captured this picture because it is exactly how I felt that moment!
So, there I am hooking up Savva's wakeboarding rope to the tower like I have done every summer that we have dated. Nothing unusual, but all of a sudden he tells me I have done it wrong! Of course I hadn't - I know how to hook up a rope! I think he was buying time to get Demetre at a good angle with the camera...or maybe he was nervous??
It took two more times for me to “fix” the rope while I thought Savva was putting on his life jacket and wakeboard. When I turned around that third time, there was Savva down on one knee on the back of the boat!
The first words out of his mouth were, “Will you marry me?”
They were spoken with such a young, happy, Christmas-morning-type of childlike excitement - so much that I can hear it in my head just like it was yesterday. It was perfect. It was also followed by some more words about something...I really couldn’t tell you. I hope it was something nice about me though :)
I was trying to figure out in my head what was going on, and I realized this was the real deal when I saw a tear in his eyes. Holy cow this is really happening! Just as in a movie, it seemed like the sun shone perfectly on the ring as he placed it on my finger. All I could do was hug him.

It wasn’t until later when I realized that I never actually said, “Yes.” Oops!
It was also several minutes before I put together that I had been tricked! I forgot Demetre was out on the tube, and it still didn’t occur to me that he was taking pictures of US! Even after I realized that part, I still got in the driver’s seat and told Savva I was ready for him to wakeboard. He told me he was never planning on wakeboarding that day - man, I really am gullible!
This is about the time I realized Demetre was taking pictures of us!
This is about the time I realized Demetre was taking pictures of us!
As we brought Demetre back into the boat, I started realizing how many little details I missed throughout the day, but I’m so glad I did because the surprise was absolutely perfect!
I also had to share the case he put the ring in. He knew if I got suspicious I would look at his pockets for a ring box, so he made a much slimmer one - out of a Burt's Bees container!
Demetre is a fantastic photographer, don't you think?
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